Why are people so threatened by clear thinking? I try to simply, clarify, define the problem so that a solution can be reached. But it's those very things which everyone else wants to resist. If not clarity, what then? What alternative is there? How can any fruit come from a discussion if there is no clarity and precision? Clarity is necessary, but everyone seems to find it offensive.
Why does no-one else think properly? They repeat themselves, double back on themselves, forget the point of what they're trying to say. They don't have the ability to edit out those things they want to say that don't relate to the point - they don't go from point A to B, without making points C, D, E and F along the way - a very messy way of thinking. Not linear, not logical, not clear; over-complicated, verbose and repetitive.
Is there any person I can be honest with without them getting offended? I'm not convinced. If people can't handle my thoughts, how can they handle my feelings? Am I not then alone?
Will anyone understand?
Monday, July 26, 2010
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Just a thought...is it really possible to be totally honest without being offensive? Really, when it comes down to it, we're all often more comfortable with the lies we believe and the rationalizations we make instead of the truth, especially in the case of the Gospel. Why are people threatened by clear thinking? Because it exposes the flaws in our thinking, and few are humble enough to appreciate that for the gift that it is. And in all honesty, some of us just process things in a tangental manner. Even you were hardly laconic with that last sentence of the second paragraph. ;)
Is it possible to be totally honest without being offensive? - I admit, you're probably right in implying a "no". But my frustration is that I feel like I can't be honest about anything with anyone without them recoiling at the strength of my feelings. I realize that there are some things you just don't get to say (that's the story of my life, as a matter of fact!), but I rarely get to say anything. Perhaps this is just a desperate cry for friendship. ;)
Clear thinking exposes flaws in thinking? Therein lies the rub! Question - when you say, "few are humble enough to appreciate that for the gift that it is", are you implying that my campaign for clarity is a worthwhile pursuit, or that it should be abandoned as futile?
"Even you were hardly laconic with that last sentence of the second paragraph." - Don't patronize me, you know what I meant. I was focused on a specific point, not wandering all over the place.
Answer- While I believe a campaign for clarity to be not only worthwhile, but something we all ought to be striving for, I also firmly believe that clarity is something we will never fully attain. Much like we're called "to be perfect, as Christ is perfect", but will never reach perfection this side of heaven, as believers we're called to be clear in our thinking and communication ( Proverbs 15: 28, Matthew 5:37, etc.). The church is made of individuals, not clones, so for those who are more gifted mentally, this clarity will be easier. Regardless, all of us "will give account for every careless word we speak", justified or condemned by them (Matt. 12:36-7). There's an interesting discussion; how we're saved by grace alone, yet justified or condemned by words...but I digress. ;) So is it a futile pursuit? Depends on what your end goal is. If you're seeking to glorify God through a quest for clarity and a desire to speak the truth in love, I would say no. If you're trying to convince the world to think in a linear manner so that it makes more sense, I think you might have better luck on Ixion's wheel.
And forgive me if I came across as patronizing, I merely found it amusing that you were redundant while complaining about it. Allow the nerd her lexical humor. (And I realized after I typed out the scripture references that RefTagger DOES in fact rock, hence the double comments)
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