Defend the Bible? Would you defend a Lion? Loose him; and let him go!
Charles Spurgeon
I used to think that if you were clever enough, if you gave enough evidence, if your logic was sound enough, if you won every debate, that you could argue unbelievers into the Kingdom of God.
Boy, was I wrong!
Case in point, today I read a post by Christian apologist Ray Comfort, which simply states his burden to lead atheists away from hellfire. It seemed such a benign post to my sensibilities, and yet there was an overwhelming number of negative comments, atheists trying to logically de-construct Ray's post, his beliefs, and his ministry.
I felt sorry for all this unwarranted criticism from those whom Ray is actually labouring to save, so I felt moved to respond. Up until even just a few months ago, I would've engaged in intellectual debate and tried to logically de-construct their logical deconstructions line-by-line. But, as I've learned, that would've led to nothing but my own frustration and their further hardness of heart.
So I simply quoted John 3:18-20, and said that the atheists involved didn't actually want the evidence for the existence God that they were screaming for; they wanted an excuse to continue sinning, and they should instead repent of their sin and trust Christ. That is the truth. That is what the Bible says about them. And that is all I needed to write.
Charles Spurgeon said that Scripture was a lion - it doesn't need protecting, it just needs someone to open its cage. Paul said in 2 Corinthians 10 that
the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ
2 Corinthians 10:4-5
The Bible is the only thing we have that can ultimately lead someone to reject their unbelief and repent of their sins. No-one can be intellectually forced to believe. They can only be convicted of sin by the words of the Bible and the Holy Spirit. Debate is good and apologetics are good, but only the Word of the Lord can save.
I love arguments. But may I love preaching the Word even more.
Who knows how people will receive my comment. It will probably be hated, or simply ignored. But it was the truth, and that is all that needs to be said.
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